..." ' To the merchant of happiness, from a grateful world.' "

"The statues were indeed the same, rich in shape, in sensuality and in poetry, with their magnetic eyes, lustful smiles and opulently flowing hair. Here were those great courtesans, Phyrne, Cleopatra, and Messalina; then, like a pure ray in the midst of these immodest shades, like a Christian angel among the gods of Olympus, came one of those chaste countenances, one of those calm shadows, one of those sweet visions that appeared to veil its virginal brow beside all these marble impurities."

"I do believe," said Franz, "that it will be the easiest thing, because I think I am growing eagles' wings and with them I shall fly round the world in a day."

"Then I have my own justice, high and low, which suspends no sentences and hears no appeals, which merely condemns or pardons, and concerns nobody."